@article{oai:seisen-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000033, author = {三輪 一美 and 古川 智恵 and Kazumi Miwa and Chie Furukawa}, journal = {聖泉看護学研究, Seisen Journal of Nursing Studies}, month = {}, note = {目的 本研究の目的は,看護師の経験年数と心不全緩和ケアにおける困難の関連要因を明らかにすることである. 対象 日本循環器学会認定の循環器専門医研修施設のうち看護部長の承諾を得た234施設の循環器病棟に勤務する看護師1,926名を対象とした. 方法 無記名自記式の質問紙調査を行った.質問紙の内容は,属性,心不全の緩和ケアの実践での困難と対処,および自身の考えとした.循環器病棟での看護師の経験年数を従属変数,心不全の緩和ケアの実践での困難と対処を独立変数として重回帰分析を行った. 結果と考察 循環器病棟での経験年数との関連要因として,[医師に相談する]が正の要因であり,[病棟師長または先輩看護師(チームリーダー)に相談する],および[疼痛]が負の要因であった.心不全緩和ケアが必要な患者に対して看護師は,患者と家族の希望だけでなく,治療方針や医師の個別性に応じて対応することが求められる.一方で,看護師経験が短い看護師は看護実践が限られており,ケアに苦慮していることが明らかとなった., Purpose This study aimed to clarify the difficulty of palliative care for heart failure by focusing on nursingexperiences among nurses working in cardiovascular wards. Subjects The study encompassed 4,889 nurses employed in the cardiac care units of 234 facilities,all of whichhad obtained approval from director nurses within cardiovascular specialist training facilities certified by theJapanese Circulation Society.Of which 1,926 nurses were participated in this study. Methods This study was an anonymous self-administered questionnaire-based survey.The questionnaire coveredparticipant demographics,challenges encountered,heart failure palliative care coping strategies,and personal beliefs. Results and Discussion Ninety-one-point-two percent of the subjects were women.The average number of nursing experiences was 11.5 years,of which 5.3 years experienced in the cardiovascular ward.Regarding difficulties in practicing palliative care for heart failure,nurses with less than three years of experience found it difficult to perform multidisciplinary team medical care (cooperation).To deal with difficulties in heart failure palliative care,nurses with less than three years of experience should“ consult the head nurse or senior nurse( teamleader)”,and nurses with more than three years of experience have practiced “consult with a doctor”.In heartfailure palliative care,it has become clear that nurses with less than three years of experience are required to receive support from senior nurses,and nurses with more than three years of experience are required to be able to consult with doctors and other multidisciplinary professionals.}, pages = {1--12}, title = {循環器病棟に勤務する看護師の心不全緩和ケアにおける困難 ─経験年数に着目して─}, volume = {13}, year = {2024} }