@article{oai:seisen-u.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000197, author = {金森, 京子 and 磯邉, 厚子 and 大籠, 広恵 and 鈴木, 美佐 and 田原, 育恵 and 上野, 範子 and カナモリ, キョウコ and イソベ, アツコ and オウゴモリ, ヒロエ and スズキ, ミサ and タハラ, イクエ and ウエノ, ノリコ and Kyoko, Kanamori and Atsuko, Isobe and Hiroe, Ohgomori and Misa, Suzuki and Ikue, Tahara and Noriko, Ueno}, journal = {聖泉看護学研究, Seisen journal of nursing studies}, month = {Apr}, note = {P(論文), 背景 A大学看護学部附属看護キャリアアップセンターでは, 平成23年の開設以来, 地域貢献の一つとして, "キャリアアップ講座 (主に臨床看護師への研究支援)" を開講している. 年々, 受講者が増加し, 研究への関心が高まっている. 目的 キャリアアップ講座において, 受講者の受講動機及び本講座の学習効果について, 受講後にアンケート調査を行うことにより, "キャリアアップ講座" の有用性を確認する. 同時に今後の課題についても検討する. 方法 「平成25年度 "キャリアアップ講座"」 に参加した38名を調査対象とし, 講座内容について独自に作成した無記名自記式質問紙調査票を用いて回答を得た. データの集計・分析は表計算ソフトMicrosoft office Excel 2007を使用し, 記述統計を行った.結果 分析対象となった受講者は3回の研修を通じて計94名であった. 職種では病院勤務の看護師が多かった. 受講背景は, 職場の上司からの薦めで受講した者が多かった. 多くの受講者が, 研究の意義や目的, 方法がわかったと回答した一方で, データ処理が不得手という傾向も確認できた.結論 アンケート結果から, 受講者の研究への関心の高さや学習効果に肯定的な結果を得た. これらの結果を, 今後のキャリアアップ講座内容の充実に反映させていきたい., Background Since the establishment of the Nursing Career-advancement Center affiliated with the Department of Nursing of A University in 2011, career-advancement classes have been held as a regional contribution activity. These classes are provided primarily to support clinical nurses with research activities, and there have been increases in the number of participants and their interests in research.Aim Following the career-advancement classes, questionnaire surveys were conducted to examine their utility and future challenges. Participants were asked to describe their motivation for participating in career-advancement classes and their learning effects.Methods The subjects were 38 health care professionals who participated in the "2013 Career-advancement Class", and they were asked to complete an originally developed, anonymous survey form including questions regarding the class. Descriptive statistical data were aggregated and analyzed using Microsoft Office Excel 2007 - spreadsheet software.Discussion The total number of subjects who participated in one of the three sessions was 94. The majority of the subjects were hospital nurses. A large number of health care professionals attended the class on the recommendation of their superiors. Although many participants stated that the class helped them learn research purposes and methods, some had difficulty processing data.Conclusions The survey results, which suggest that participants in the class became more interested in research and it had positive learning effects, can be used to improve the career-advancement class.}, pages = {55--66}, title = {一看護系大学の地域貢献活動におけるキャリアアップ講座の分析 : -医療従事者の受講者自己評価アンケートから-}, volume = {3}, year = {2014} }